San Joaquin County Flood Control and Water Conservation District
The San Joaquin County Flood Control & Water Conservation District (District) is a Countywide entity with the County Board of Supervisors serving as the governing body of the District. The Director of Public Works is designated as the Flood Control Engineer in the Distrct enabling legislation and is delegated certain authority as described in the San Joaquin County Oridinance Code No. 4546.
The District is authorized by statute to form zones within the County to fund construction projects and investigations related to flood and water resurces. Water Investigation Zone 2 and Flood Control Zones 9 & 10 are active zones within the District. The zones and the District are considerd County Special Districts. Program revenues, expenditures and budgeted project activities are shown within the budget for the specific District or zone.
The District budget provides funding for the performance of floodplain management activites: enforcing the County's flood and drainage-related ordinances; processing water course encroachment permits and elevation certificates and edcucating the community about reducing flood risk.
Floodplain Management BudgetOpens in new window
Water Investigation Zone 2
In 1989, the Board established Zone 2 to provide a revenue source for water resources planning activities. The Zone 2 funding mechanism is a Countywide property-related fee. The only allowable use of the fee is to carry out the goals and objectives set forth in the 2015 Strategic Plan to Meet Water Needs, which include the following:
- Protect and preserve existing water rights and area of origin rights.
- Manage groundwater in Eastern San Joaquin County.
- Protect Delta water resources common pool.
- Maintain existing, and develop new, water supplies to meet Southwest County water needs.
- Develop funding programs to meet water supply needs.
- Support water conservation programs.
The budget for Zone 2 includes costs for maintaining and developing monitoring networks for groundwater levels and water quality, coordination and planning efforts necessary to meet the statutory requirements of SGMA; Demonstration Recharge, Extraction and Aquifer Management (DREAM) project County export permit compliance; securing grant funding for projects identified in the updated 2020 Integrated Regional Water Management (IRWM) Plan Addendum; and for watershed education and outreach activities.
Zone 9
The Flood Control and Water Conservation District Zone 9, consists of 110 miles of project levees and approximately 217 miles of non-project channels. The levels of service provided are identified in the annual Engineer’s Report for Zone 9.
In 2022-2023, the primary focus will remain on vegetation removal and rodent control along project channels to meet US Army Corps of Engineers maintenance standards. Continued emphasis will be placed on addressing unauthorized urban encroachments along the Calaveras River and Mormon Slough.
Zone 9 provides funding for enhanced maintenance program activities for Federal project levees and channels that address State and Federal inspection criteria. These efforts include meeting enhanced vegetation guidelines; addressing minimally acceptable and unacceptable inspection ratings related to erosion repairs; rodent control; encroachments; and structures going through levees that require visual inspection. In addition, Zone 9 funds acttivities that install erosion control material and remove debris flowing down the watershed. These efforts are an integral part of maintaining full accreditation of County-maintained levees that provide critical urban flood protection.
Zone 10
The San Joaquin County Flood Control and Water Conservation District Zone 10 provides limited funding for emergency pumping in the event of a flood or emergency repairs to five miles of levee in the Woodbridge area. Levels of service provided are identified in the annual Engineer’s Report. Zone 10 is funded from property assessments and is used to support expenditures necessary to respond to an emergency flood event
Financial Statements
The San Joaquin County Flood Control and Water Conservation District (including Zone 2, Zone 9 and Zone 10) and County Service Area Number 54 (NPDES) are special districts governed by the San Joaquin County Board of Supervisors (Board). These special districts do not issue separate financial statements. The governmental reporting entity consists of the County and its component units. Component units are legally separate organizations for which the Board is financially accountable or other organizations whose nature and significant relationship with the County are such that exclusion would cause the County’s financial statements to be misleading or incomplete. Financial accountability is defined as either (A) the appointment of a voting majority of the component unit’s board, and (i) either the County’s ability to impose its will on the organization or (ii) there is potential for the organization to provide a financial benefit to or impose a financial burden on the County; or (B) an organization is fiscally dependent on the County and there is a potential for the organization to provide specific financial benefits to or impose financial burdens on the County, regardless of whether the organization has (1) a separately elected governing board, (2) a governing board appointed by a higher level of government, or (3) a jointly appointed board.
The basic financial statements include both blended and discretely presented component units. The blended component units, although legally separate entities are, in substance, part of the County’s operations and so data from these units are combined with data of the primary government. The discretely presented component units, on the other hand, are reported in a separate column in the government-wide financial statements to emphasize they are legally separate from County government.
For financial reporting purposes, the County’s basic financial statements include all financial activities that are controlled by or are dependent upon actions taken by the County’s Board. The financial statements of the individual component units are available through the County Auditor-Controller’s Office, 44 N. San Joaquin Street, Suite 550, Stockton, California 95202
The County’s Annual Financial Reports are below: