What Types of Control Measures are Development Projects Subject to under the Stormwater Quality Control Criteria Plan?

The control measures, often termed Best Management Practices, were selected to optimize post-construction, on-site stormwater pollution control. All new development and significant redevelopment priority projects must apply all four categories of stormwater polltion control measures, which include:: 

  • Site Design Controls to reduce stormwater runoff peak flows and volumes through appropriate site design. (SWQCCP Section 3)
  • Source Controls are practices to prevent pollutants from contacting stormwater runoff or to prevent the discharge of contaminated runoff to the storm drainage system. (SWQCCP Section 4)
  • Volume Reduction Measures (VRMs) are controls that can be used to direct, retain, reuse and/or infiltrate stormwater runoff (e.g., rain gardens and rain barrels). (SWQCCP Section 5)
  • Treatment Controls are engineered systems designed to remove pollutants from stormwater runoff. (SWQCCP Section 6)


What Project Plans are Required for Priority Projects Subject to the Stormwater Quality Control Criteria Plan (SWQCCP)?

Once it is determined that a project is subject to the SWQCCP and must incorporate post-construction stormwater controls, a Project Stormwater Quality Plan and Maintenance Plan must be submitted.

  • Project Stormwater Quality Control Plan must adequately demonstrate that the proposed project will conform to all requirements; (SWQCCP Appendix E) and 
  • Maintenance Plan must include guidelines for how and when inspection and maintenance should occur for each. (SWQCCP Section 7, Appendix D)

In addition, the flowchart below provides an overview of the SWQCCP review process. 

For more information, contact: Chris Boyer by phone at 209-468-9360 or email at cboyer@sjgov.org